hello, we are so happy to meet you

welcome to our little corner of the world. we are so happy you are here; whether you have been to our brick & mortar, or maybe you just found us online... either way, allow us to give you a little piece of our hearts. you see, kb is truly our baby, where we live out our dream everyday, and where we have found friendship, community, and of course, incredible fashion. we take our business and our work incredibly seriously, but girls just wanna have fun, right?

kristi west: owner, mama, wife, leader of these beautiful ladies

opened kb in 2012 and never looked back


why i love kb: kb was built on a dream, a long-shot, and a passion for business, hard-work, relationships and of course, fashion. I have watched her endure growing pains and come out fiercely better because of it. in the past year I have come to appreciate her even more. my daughter has made me realize how important it is to me to show her how successful a girl with a dream can be. and how if that girl works really, really, really hard and chooses to surround herself with the right people, she can live the life she always wanted. and she CAN have it all. 


Stay tuned for updated team photos coming soon!